Our development process has radically shortened the timeline from conception to FDA approval and dramatically improved the odds of success.

Targeted precision

Quantitative biology in human subjects using advanced stable isotope tracer methodology and kinetic modelling enables the quantitation of key metabolic reactions in individuals suffering from specific diseases or conditions.

Designing for success

We are then able to determine sites of metabolic dysregulation in a variety of clinical circumstances in humans and quantify the exact magnitude of variance from normal. This approach enables us to design medicines to precisely restore normal flux through affected pathways.

Efficacy is known early

Phase I Acute studies are used to determine if the therapy in fact achieves the desired metabolic flux rates while maintaining minimal side effects. Once flux rates are confirmed, the probabilty the treatment will work as intended on a large scale is very high.

Gamechanging success rates

Because we already know the treatment has the desired metabolic effect with minimal side effects, the chances of sucessful phase II and phase III clinical trials are greatly improved.

Traditionally, less than 10% of pharmaceutical clinical trials produce successful results. In comparison, our trial success rate has been 100% for any treatment advancing to phase II and beyond.